THE PETZL BOOK, From the Deep: the Petzl Adventure History of Petzl, English version in gift box
Detailed description
- Authors: Sophie Cuenot and Hervé Bodeau
- Preface by Lynn Hill
- 272 pages
- Available in French, English or Spanish, and with a gift box
- Editions Guérin - Chamonix Mont-Blanc
References | Z180 FR | Z180 EN | Z180 ES | Z18001 EN |
Version | French | English | Spanish | English version in gift box |
Packing | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Price | $44.95 | $44.95 | $53.95 |
THE PETZL BOOK, From the Deep: the Petzl Adventure History of Petzl, English version in gift box