Fibroid "Fish Paper", Adhesive Backed, 5" Wide SKU: 10337 Fibroid "Fish Paper", Adhesive Backed, 5" Wide ASK PART #: 10337UNITS: 50 feetMANUFACTURER: ASK Tower SupplyMANUFACTURER'S PART #: 10337 $128.14 (0) No Reviews yet Ship 1534 Available Pickup in Store - FREE! Select Store to check availability. In warehouse - can ship immediately!Current Stock: [[quantityavailable]] Ready2Ship (in warehouse, ships immediately) Quantity Available at ASK : 1534Quantity Available at Manufacturer : Unknown, call or email ASK for details Quantity -+ Add to Shopping Cart Details Fish paper is a strong, flexible, fibrous dielectric paper. It resists moderate heat and mechanical injury, and is often used for wrapping coils and o... Overview Fibroid "Fish Paper", Adhesive Backed, 5" Wide DetailsOverviewBackFish paper is a strong, flexible, fibrous dielectric paper. It resists moderate heat and mechanical injury, and is often used for wrapping coils and other insulation.BackFibroid "Fish Paper", Adhesive Backed, 5" Wide Reviews 0 BackRatings & ReviewsNo reviews availableBe the first to Write a Review